Minding HIS Business

Exploring the depth of possibility in life, love and business with scripture as our guide.

God made each one of us beautifully complex with unique abilities and giftings. Join me as I speak with Christian thought leaders and entrepreneurs about life, love and business.

Hi, I'm Nicole,

A Human Potential Specialist, Best Selling Author and Host of the Minding HIS Business Podcast.

Minding HIS Business started as a gathering of Christian women desiring Godly advice on how to build a business that honours our Lord, minister to others in the secular business world, and meet like-minded business owners with the same intentions.

We encourage Christ-centered entrepreneurs to step out in faith, move past their comfort zone, and share the gospel in places where it's not commonly found.

Reach your highest potential with life and business coaching tailored for corporate leaders.

Join me as I get curious with leading entrepreneurs and thought leaders, providing sound, Godly advice on faith and finding your voice in a noisy, distracted secular marketplace.

Helping leaders navigate transformation in life, business, and leadership.

Together, let’s be a light in a dark marketplace.

The business world is filled with extensive new-age advice on growth strategies and principles that directly contradict scripture. We are creating a community of support, guiding believers on how to merge their sacred life and secular in order to run a Christ-focused business that unashamedly shares the Gospel. With Romans 1:16 in mind, through our work, we boldly live out loud declaring:

“...I am not ashamed of the Gospel…”  

“Aspire to live quietly, and to mind your own affairs, and to work with your hands…so that you may walk properly before outsiders and be dependent on no one.”

~1 Thessalonians 4:11-12

“Championing entrepreneurs to step out in faith, move through their comfort zones and share the gospel in places its not normally found.”

~Nicole Richards

The Minding HIS Business Summit has a threefold purpose:

  1. To bring together Christian business owner and build a community of like minded individuals.

  2. Learn from other believers about how we can use business as an opportunity to share the gospel.

  3. To inspire the attendees and express the importance of erasing the divide between secular and sacred, infusing the Gospel into everything we do. Encouraging those in business to share their faith beyond Sundays.

APRIL 26, 2025